Trudeau Gave $20 MILLION In Taxpayer Money To The Clinton Foundation

by Spencer Fernando
July 13, 2017

At the Family Planning Summit, the Trudeau government has announced $241.5 million in foreign aid – all funded by Canadian taxpayers.

$20 million of that funding is going to the Clinton Foundation.

This is raising doubts among many people, who are questioning why the government would be giving our money to the Clinton Foundation considering how politically divisive it has become, and considering the massive fees charged by both Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton.

As pointed out by the Toronto Sun, Bill Clinton has reportedly made $26 million in speaking fees from Clinton Foundation Donors. Additionally, “While Hillary was Secretary of State, the Clinton foundation received millions from rich and powerful donors, including foreign governments – many of whom were seeking favorable decisions from the U.S. State Department.”

Read More of Spencer’s article HERE

The Dan Dicks Video above is a production of Press For Truth
Which was Published on 12 Jul 2017

The newly created Feminist International Assistance Policy along with hundreds of millions of Canadian tax payer dollars are seeking to advance gender equality and to promote equal rights for women and girls as “the most effective way to reduce poverty.” In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth exposes how this is actually a front that acts as a money making machine which promotes and carries out a eugenics program on a global scale.



  1. To be open and fully truthful, it was given to: Clinton Health Access Initiative: SRHR for adolescents and young women – Nigeria – $20 million (2017 to 2021)
    The project will improve access to SRH choices for young women and adolescent girls through an innovative approach that engages both the public and private sector in expanding spaces where services and products are both accessible and meet their family planning needs.

    I am thankful that Canada will be helping young women in need. Way to twist it though, Fernando.