courtesy of Conservative Fighters

August 19, 2017

Here’s MORE proof that Trump was right to blame “both sides” for the events in Charlottesville.

ZeroHedge discovered a Craigslist ad posted a week before the Charlottesville protests from a company called “Crowd Hire,” recruiting “actors and photographers” at $25 an hour.

This is now raising big questions over how these paid protesters were used as agitators in counter protests.

We’ve seen this same tactic used by the left for months, both before and after the election, to gather large crowds of paid protesters and agitators in order to riot and cause chaos.

Many of these paid protesters are directly funded by none other than George Soros.

From ZeroHedge

Now, the discovery of a craigslist ad posted last Monday, almost a full week before the Charlottesville protests, is raising new questions over whether paid protesters were sourced by a Los Angeles based “public relations firm specializing in innovative events” to serve as agitators in counterprotests.

Image below is taken from Craigslist


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