Joe of America

November 17, 2017

As Al Gore and his claims continue to be proven false and he continues to be discovered to be a snake oil salesman, scientists are now beginning to call him and all other global warming alarmists liars.

Over 31,000 scientists disagree with Al Gore, and have come forward and stated that ‘catastrophic man-made global warming’ is a complete hoax and science lie.

There are the more than 31,000 American scientists (to date) who have signed a petition challenging the climate change narrative and 9,029 of them hold PhDs in their respective fields.

Many of those scientists who signed the petition were encouraged to speak out in favor of the truth after retired senior NASA atmospheric scientist John L. Casey revealed that solar cycles are largely responsible for warming periods on Earth – not human activity.

Even the Wall Street Journal published an op-ed piece in 2015 challenging the Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) pseudoscience being promulgated by global warming proponents.

And, of course, there are the more than 31,000 American scientists (to date) who have signed a petition challenging the climate change narrative and 9,029 of them hold PhDs in their respective fields. But hey, Obama, Al Gore and his cronies have also ignored that inconvenient truth, as well.

One of these experts is Weather Channel founder John Coleman, who is now warning that the election could prove to be a “tipping point” in favor of people like Al Gore, who continue to amass vast fortunes based on the global warming scam.

In a recent interview with Climate Depot, Coleman 



  1. The first biggest hoax in society is the Devil convincing society that he does not exist.
    The second biggest hoax in society is that Socialism/Communism is about equality and will be a utopia once globally implemented.
    The third biggest hoax and in alliance to hoax number two is feminism being an ideal of equality between the sexes.
    The fourth biggest hoax is also a socialistic one is the belief that human activity causes climate change.
    The Earth and its environment is one big negative feedback loop, it takes care of itself by the actions of negative feedback.

  2. OBTW the fifth biggest hoax in society is that Islam is a simple religion of peace, where it is actually a strict social, political contract requiring 100% subjugation to its 7th century ideals.

  3. Oh and for one TRUTH. Taking that red pill, swallowing it will do more to open one’s eyes and mind to reality and the seeking of real truth, understanding and living one’s life to as close to these understandings as one can. Doing such will have one take that bottle of blue pills and flush it all down the proverbial toilet.

    Being red pilled is scary gives one some angst and animosity along with being a bit scary, but is also eye opening to seeing truths and in the end a more wonderful thing to experience. It’s a real ride through real life and not a bullshit ride of lies, half truths and delusions that a blue pilling gives one.