(Peter Dutton: white South African farmers need help from a ‘civilised country’ like Australia) (Photograph: Mick Tsikas/AAP)



March 14, 2018

Home affairs minister Peter Dutton says the group deserves ‘special attention’ due to the ‘horrific circumstances’ they face at home

White South African farmers “deserve special attention” from Australia due to the “horrific circumstances” of land seizures and violence, Peter Dutton has said.

The home affairs minister told the Daily Telegraph on Wednesday his department was examining a range of methods to fast-track their path to Australia on humanitarian or other visa programs.

South Africa’s new president, Cyril Ramaphosa, is pursuing legal changes to allow appropriation of farm lands without compensation for redistribution to black South Africans.

The policy has led to reports, including in the Australian media, that white farmers are being murdered at a rate of more than one per week.

“If you look at the footage and read the stories, you hear the accounts, it’s a horrific circumstance they face,” Dutton said.

The home affairs minister noted Australia has refugee, humanitarian and other visa programs which have the “potential to help some of these people”. He said he had asked his department to look at the options “because from what I have seen they do do need help from a civilised country like ours”.





  1. They should do it… As leftist as Australia has become with it’s multi-culti, R .O.P loving and virtue signaling SJW ideals they look to see enough that first white farmers and likely whites in S.A. are being persecuted and even murdered, often brutally. If Canada only had a PM and govt with enough compassion to do right and allow White South Africans who at min. have no felony criminal records to emigrate to Canada ASAP. But or cuck PM is a leftist and all about virtue signaling and white self-loathing. I hope the good President Trump soon sees this in S.A. and gives safe harbour to any and all white S.A. to emigrate to the USA as they will very likely integrate and become productive new citizens of America the still land of the Free and home of the Brave even if it is under attack by traitors in the USA.

    Once the white farmers are gone S.A. will fall like Zimbabawe did and millions will suffer and starve with also 1000-2000-5000% inflation… Their own kinds racist ideals to productive people of S.A. will DESERVE THEM RECEIVING IT ALL!

    A man like Marin Luther King Jr. as flawed as a man he was SPINS IN HIS GRAVE at such black racism.