By Spencer Fernando

March 20, 2018

Sending troops to Mali has zero benefit for Canadians and it puts our troops in serious danger. But Trudeau doesn’t care. He only cares that it could benefit his image.

Mali is a dangerous, war-torn nation.

It is – by the admission of the UN itself – the most dangerous ‘peacekeeping’ mission.

Canada has no interests in Mali, and there is zero benefit to our nation to be gained from sending troops there.

As columnist John Ivison pointed out in a recent article“Retired Lieutenant-General Roméo Dallaire was blunt in his assessment. “I wouldn’t touch Mali with a 10-foot pole,” he told me in fall 2016 after returning from a fact-finding trip to Africa with Defence Minister, Harjit Sajjan.”

Roméo Dallaire knows more than anybody about the dangers of sending troops into a war-torn African nation under UN command.

Yet Trudeau is doing it anyway.

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