By Spencer Fernando

March 24, 2018

Members of the Liberal Caucus seem to be getting fed up with Butts, who once compared Trudeau’s political opponents to Nazis.

According to a report by Toronto Sun columnist Anthony Furey, members of the Liberal Caucus are increasingly fed up with the high profile and excessive influence of Trudeau advisor Gerald Butts.

Writes Furey, “The man is Gerald Butts, Trudeau’s principal secretary. While his title may sound like he’s the chief coffee boy, make no mistake — he’s the head honcho. A former senior advisor to Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty, he’s referred to as PM Butts by many Liberal caucus members. This undemocratic dynamic has been known to political watchers since day one but has managed to stay as an inside baseball story. Until now. In recent months, Butts has been drawing his own attention in a way that’s bound to make him a greater liability for the PM moving forward.”

Furey notes that there is a theory that Butts was behind the idea of sending Trudeau’s national security advisor to tell the media that the Jaspal Atwal invite was a conspiracy by the government of India.

Butts also garnered attention for despicably calling critics of Trudeau’s “peoplekind” remark ‘Nazis.’

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