Published on 30 Mar 2018
See overview of video topics w/ time stamps incl. in desc. box. Ni^ck Cr^uz heard v0ices urging him to ki^ll.
Whose v0ices were they? How can we all know the difference between synthetic telepathy (that pretends to be god) and the V0ice of our Father?
1:00 Is calling Ho^ax Fake news?
2:30 Fr^ee sp^eech – Are you there?
4:20 Nick Cruz…we assume he was involved?
6:00-8 Sho^otings; Local news used to try to do the right thing…National news, no so much.
9:20 V0ices in cranium – The tech^nology behind it Mili^tary application of V0ices In the Head
10:35 Micro^wave Au^dio: How Does it work?
11:30 List of Patents in Mi^nd Con^Trol 1
1:50 V0ice of g^o^d wea-pon scientist speaks out
13:30 CEO admits mil^itary is “buying them as fast as we can make them”
13:45 “The future of wa^rfare”
14:20 Have other sho^oters heard v0ices?
15:00 RFB Rich^ie From Boston as a T^I^?
16:00 Ar^my displays Non-Le^thal Wea^pons
17:12 D^N^A specific bio-resonance for sat^tellite tar^getting
19:00 Obama’s Presidential committee of Bio^Ethics – presenter Dr. John Hall
20:00 What kind of things do the v0ices say?
21:45 False Schizo^phrenia dia^gnosis and T^I^s
22:30 Look inside at someone who is Hearing v0ices…schizo or tar^get? Based on several of her other videos, I believe she is suffering from psych^otron^ic wea^ponry including E^E^G & V^2^K (voices in skull) which, seen here, shows them urging her to ki^ll her own mother.
25:00 Ex employee involved in tar^getting who had program turned on himself
24:00 Psy^cho^logical War^fare, breaking a person by removing and/or destroying their core needs.
26:40 Deeper look into the potential vicims that turned into sho^ot^ers
31:25 Quick list Several V^2^K who went rogue
35:50 Pra^yer is the answer. Love you Family! Some have asked how/where they can help support this work to keep it coming: