By Spencer Fernando

Friday 13, 2018

And they’re trying to fundraise off that demonization.

While the Trudeau Liberals falsely claim that Bill C-71 isn’t about re-creating the gun registry, their behind-the-scenes political actions are telling a very different story.

In a recent fundraising email, the Liberals referred to the Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights (CCFR) as “Canada’s NRA,” while asking for donations.

As noted by iPolitics, the fundraising email included several aggressive sections.

The email said the Conservatives “want to steadily weaken gun safety laws in Canada,” and quoted a former RCMP commissioner who said “There’s a rabid firearms lobby that has their hooks into the Conservatives, and they’re aggressive.”

The fundraising appeal also said of the Conservatives, “They’re taking orders from Canada’s NRA. And we can’t let them.”

Of course, the fundraising appeal is based upon a lie. The Canadian Coalition for Firearm Rights is made up of law-abiding Canadian gun owners, and is not funded in any way by the NRA.

Yet, the truth won’t stop the Liberals from trying to make money off the demonization of Canadians. And they’re doubling down on that demonization, as seen by comments from Liberal co-ordinator Ryan Spero:

“Canada does have its own version of the NRA, known as the CCFR, and lobbyists for this and other groups are fighting to loosen gun laws and increase the threat to Canadians nationwide.”

If this is what the Trudeau Liberals think about law-abiding Canadian gun owners, how can anyone doubt that they’re bringing back the gun registry?

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