By Mike Adams
April 17, 2018
(Natural News) If you’re not familiar with the Starbucks racism fiasco that has ballooned into an exploding boycott of Starbucks coffee shops, describes it as follows:
…the [black] men were sitting and chatting at a table for less than 15 minutes before employees of the store called the police. While both of the men left the store peacefully and without incident, they were nevertheless escorted out in handcuffs.
Starbucks’ own left-leaning employees, it seems, called the cops on two black guys for “being black.” Apparently, Starbucks is such a “white thing” that the mere presence of two black guys sitting in a Starbucks restaurant waiting for a friend terrorizes left-leaning white employees who freak out and call the cops.
Fifty years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “I have a dream.” But today, Starbucks employees say, “Oh my god there’s two BLACK guys sitting in our store! CALL THE COPS!”
What’s next? Do Starbucks’ left-wing employees think the stores should offer a “blacks only” section in order to protect the fragile psyches of the white crybullies and snowflakeswho have never actually seen two black dudes just sitting and talking before? (It would have been even better if those black dudes had been legally carrying concealed firearms, by the way, but that’s another story altogether. Can you imagine the snowflake hysteria if they had noticed “black dudes” who were also armed? The snowflakes’ heads would explode… they’re such racists, you see, that they actually think armed black men are all criminals. I happen to call them “citizens.”)
P.S. I personally want to commend the two black gentlemen who were put in handcuffs at Starbucks for keeping their cool and calmly walking out in handcuffs. They avoided what could have become an escalation, and they just earned themselves what will probably be a million-dollar settlement by not resisting arrest or becoming verbally abusive.
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