By Catherine J. Frompovich

May 7, 2018

A Class Action was filed in Superior Court, Province of Quebec, District of Montreal, Canada, Case No. 500-06-000760-153 against 50 Respondents including the Attorneys General of Quebec and Canada, the City of Sainte-Anne-Des-Lacs, Hydro-Quebec, and approximately 40 corporations involved in the manufacture, production, servicing and transmission of Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs) and Radiofrequencies (RFRs), for their contributory roles in the transmissions, products and services that emit

in excess of one milliGauss of magnetic field, 0.6 V/m of electric field, or 0.1 microWatt per square centimeter of microwave power density for general populations in uncontrolled environments; or 0.3 milliGauss of magnetic field, 0.2 V/m of electric field, or 0.01 microWatt per square centimeter of microwave power density for sleeping environments or for sensitive individuals (children, pregnant women or persons who are electromagnetic hypersensitive) from any one or any combination of anthropogenic the listed electromagnetic field (EMF) sources… [Pg. 6]

Anthropogenic EMF is measurable throughout Quebec attributable to technologies and infrastructures ranging from the low frequency power distribution grid through to high frequency mobile telecommunications networks. Not isolated systems, EMF from one system may couple onto an adjacent network compounding health effects, particularly for electro-sensitive individuals. [Pg. 7] [CJF emphasis]

Not only is anthropogenic [man-made] EMFs measurable in Quebec, but throughout entire global communities where various microwave technologies are prolific, e.g., cell, stingray and GWEN towers, Wi-Fi, AMI Smart Meters, 3G—4G and “trial communities” for 5G communications networks, plus antenna arrays and radar facilities.

Those technological “advances” have been implemented and allowed to be placed everywhere without proper environmental and human health impact studies—at least in the USA—being made available to consumers and the public at large. If such studies exist, they are not privy to public knowledge nor are warnings about adverse health reactions, e.g., electromagnetic hypersensitivity, etc. However, that information probably can be found during the Discovery process of any lawsuit, unless such ‘proprietary information’ may not be divulged due to “trade secrets”!

Charles O’Brien is the Attorney of Record for Marcel Durand, Evelyn and Myles Mahon, the Petitioners. The document presented to a Canadian Superior Court was signed July 27, 2017, on behalf of

All persons who reside, work, study in any part of the Province of Quebec, well as flora, fauna, pets and animals that are exposed to a level in excess of one milliGauss of magnetic field, 0.6 V/m of electric field, or 0.1 microWatt per square centimeter of microwave power density for general populations in uncontrolled environments; or 0.3 milliGauss of magnetic field, 0.2 V/m of electric field, or 0.01 microWatt per square centimeter of microwave power density for sleeping environments or for sensitive individuals (children, pregnant women or persons who are electromagnetic hypersensitive) from any one or any combination of anthropogenic the above-listed electromagnetic field (EMF) sources, who suffered moral, physical, psychological and/or genetic damages as a result EMF pollution. Pursuant to the precautionary principle, those born, not of the age of majority, are nonetheless claiming as class members given the pervasive, escalating and cumulative effects of EMF pollution (as appears from the Threshold Exposure Standard below): [Pp. 43-44]

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