(Ontario NDP Leader Andrea Horwath unveils her party’s platform at Toronto Western Hospital, BMO Education and Conference Centre in Toronto, Ont. on Monday April 16, 2018. Dave Abel/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network)

by Bryan Passifium

May 10, 2018

NDP leader Andrea Horwath would lead Ontario’s Official Opposition if the provincial election was held now, according to a new poll.

And numbers released Wednesday by Forum Research says more voters approve of the NDP leader than any of her competitors — more than double the number who support Liberal leader Kathleen Wynne.

Wednesday’s poll — based on a random sampling of 777 Ontario voters — shows public opinion favouring a majority win by the Ontario PC Party, with the NDP entrenched as a strong second choice.

That means efforts to brand themselves as the sound alternative to both the Tories and Liberals is clearly gaining traction, says Forum Research President Lorne Bozinoff.

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