May 28, 2018

I worry we are actually at a point where sexism means being critical of women. For anything. Ever.

After having a story published in the Toronto Sun that showcased several problems with Andrea Horwath’s wardrobe spending – the lavish spending, the high end tastes, the odd accounting – I was accused of sexism.


Because over and over again I was told that such stories would never be done about a man and his wardrobe. It seems that the people thinking this completely forgot about Justin Trudeau’s entire trip to India.

Media coverage on that trip focused heavily on what Trudeau was wearing, how much it cost and how ridiculous he looked. I wrote about it, even the Toronto Star was critical.

How many stories have we seen, positive and negative, about Trudeau’s socks?

Going back to the Stephen Harper era and there was plenty of commentary of Harper’s hair, his wardrobe and his stylist.

We could go back further to Preston Manning in the early days of the Reform Party or to Brian Mulroney, so often criticized for his high, and expensive fashion

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