by Harvey Oberfeld

Keeping it Real…

May 28, 2018

I’m not a great fan of the Kinder Morgan pipeline project.

I believe it was an historic mistake to have allowed the original pipeline terminal at the end of Burrard Inlet: somewhere around Roberts Bank might have been better.

And frankly, I still wish it would be moved.

But Kinder Morgan is where it is: it’s legal; it has gone through every legal and regulatory process and received approvals for its expansion plans. And the environmental requirements the project must meet are the most significant and toughest ever imposed.

It should go ahead.

The danger to Canada’s Constitutional fabric …. if BC’s obstructionist refusal to accept the almost endless regulatory processes already carried out or acknowledge the responsibilities of the federalist nature of our nation … is greater than any possible damage from an oil spill.

B.C. went to the province’s highest court seeking the authority to restrict bitumen shipments that cross its borders ? a measure that would allow it to kill the Trans Mountain project.

Premier John Horgan, the NDP/Green government are allowing a MINORITY of UN-ELECTED anti-development activists to harm much more than just Kinder Morgan, but BC’s and Canada’s resource development and economic growth.

The truth is more British Columbian’s FAVOUR the project than oppose it: a recent Ipsos poll showed 55% support for project, and 37% opposed … and of that, only 17% opposed it strongly.

And Alberta’s own NDP government ….how ironic is that …. if literally cut off from exporting ITS resources by BC will also no doubt wreak terrible harm and damage on BC’s imports of natural gas and oil supplies.

And worse.

Imagine what the reaction will be in BC if Alberta also retaliates (and why shouldn’t they???) by restricting or stopping imports of BC wine, BC fruits, BC produce etc. …. not to mention the potential damage to our tourism industry, should a boycott be organized.

How ironic that yet another NDP government could end up be tarred in the next election as bringing job losses to the BC economy by catering to blind ideology and the minority “no, no, no” crowd and forgetting the average working class families/jobs/economy!

There is also a certain hypocrisy in Horgan and the BC/Green government saying the EXPORT pipeline must be stopped to protect the environment … but pipelines carrying oil and gas products FOR BC USE through the same terrain in the very same way is quite okay.

That’s no way to run a country.

Hopefully Kinder Morgan and the federal government …and the Supreme Court if necessary … will make Horgan and his NDP/Green government understand that …

And start serving the interests of MOST British Columbians and not just the “no” crowd.

Harv Oberfeld