
May 30, 2018

(Natural News) After being purchased by dishonest globalist Jeff Bezos — the same “Dr. Evil” anti-American creep who runs the fake news Washington Post — Whole Foods Market is now reversing five years of promises to consumers by suspending its GMO labeling promise. This means Whole Foods will continue to sell unlabeled GMOs while fraudulently insinuating to customers that its stores sell no GMOs whatsoever.

Back in 2012, when Whole Foods was desperately trying to quell customer concerns over genetically engineered ingredients found in thousands of grocery items sold at Whole Foods Market stores, Natural News released exclusive undercover video from the “Organic Spies,” exposing how Whole Foods deliberately trained its employees to lie to customers about GMOs. With other groups like the Organic Consumers Association joining the effort to expose Whole Foods’ GMO deceptions, the grassroots outcry against Whole Foods was rapidly expanding, and the retailer scrambled to get in front of the GMO labeling issue to try to comfort customers.

(See also “Whole Foods knowingly engages in massive GMO deception, says undercover video by ‘Organic Spies’” which contains several non-functioning YouTube links because Google is now just as evil as Amazon and Whole Foods, going all-out to censor and silence independent media voices that engage in real journalism to protect the public from precisely the kind of total fraud we’re witnessing at this very moment from Whole Foods.)

In early 2013, the retailer announced it would adopt a “full transparency” GMO labeling policy by 2018. This March 8, 2013 press release from Whole Foods claimed, “[B]y 2018, all products in its U.S. and Canadian stores must be labeled to indicate if they contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Whole Foods Market is the first national grocery chain to set a deadline for full GMO transparency.”

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