by Spencer Fernando

June 4, 2018

Ford says claims are “completely false.”

After news reports emerged – just days before the election – that Doug Ford was being sued by Rob Ford’s widow Renata, the Ontario PC Party Leader has released a statement.

That statement can be read below:

“These claims relating to Deco are completely false and we will strongly refute them in court. I have also stood by my brother and his family through so many of their challenging times, and will always be there for Stephanie and Dougie. Renata’s lawyers have been clear to us throughout this campaign, that either we hand over money, or they would go public with these false claims, and that is exactly what they have done, with three days to go until the election.”

Many have raised questions about the timing of this lawsuit, considering the issue was never brought to the media in the many past months and years when it could have been discussed.

Spencer Fernando