June 13, 2018

I was puzzled, truly puzzled at what Justin Trudeau could have said during his closing news conference to set Donald Trump off. I watched long enough to be bored that our PM was repeating himself, saying the same old things that he had said before.

So why would Trump get so angry that he would go on a Twitter tirade and threaten to bring on new tariffs on Canadian automobiles

On Tuesday night a listener to my radio show and reader of this site sent me an article from National Newswatch that might explain it. Thanks to Roger for sending it. Thanks to Don Lenihan for pointing out what I missed.

CBC reported the story and missed it at the same time.

I can be forgiven, this tidbit was aired on CBC during the National, Canada’s third ranked national newscast in a three horse race. On a Sunday night. And it appears even CBC missed what they reported and the significance of it.

On Sunday, CBC invited CBC Ottawa Bureau Chief Rob Russo, actually quiet the fine journalist, to discuss Trump and his twitter tirade.

At 4:15 in the clip below, Russo starts to describe how the meeting, the bilateral between Trudeau and Trump is going so well that Trump waives his demand of a sunset clause. The Americans had been demanding that NAFTA expire and need to be reaffirmed every five years.


You might have to click on the play button in the lower right corner…..

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