by Harvey Oberfeld

Keeping It Real…

June 25, 2018

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau desperately craves a United Nations Security Council seat.

Not so much in my view to enhance Canada’s role and prestige … but his own. Perhaps his biggest photo-op ever: sitting there under the lights and cameras at the Security Council table with the five MAJOR powers, televised worldwide,  as they deal (or fail to deal) with critical issues or conflicts.

Great pictures for his Facebook page!

And apparently so desired by Trudeau that he has volunteered 250 Canadian troops, three Chinook helicopters and five armed Griffon helicopters for the UN’s “peacekeeping” mission in Mali.

Mali? Peacekeeping?  Mali … where 100 UN “peacekeepers” have already been killed … and hundreds more injured … since the UN mission was launched in 2013.

Mali is a mess … beset for decades by internal conflicts,  civil war, a coup and Islamic terrorists controlling an area larger than France. Not in any way ready for “peace”!

Why would … or should … Canada get involved militarily in Mali?  Why should Mali be the latest venture for the Canadian military … so recently after Afghanistan … where 158 Canadian armed service members lost their lives?

The media haven’t yet realized … or are too Trudeau-supportive to criticize and explain or ask why Trudeau is bending backwards to impress the UN … especially its Muslim-dominated  51 nation states and their subservient lacky proxy states bought by oil billions,  at the General Assembly, where the rotating Security Council members are chosen.

Remember Trudeau’s embarrassing, fawning address to the Assembly last September?

“Trudeau didn’t even mention the worst crises and conflicts facing the world and the UN …. let alone propose ANY meaningful Canadian PROPOSALS to even assist, let alone solve them,”  I wrote on this blog at the time.

You can read more about that appearance here:

Why such a weak performance ?

Because Trudeau, who has no problem chastising us or other civilized Western-style democracies … knows criticizing the WORST violators of human rights in the world … the dictators, murderers, torturers,  human rights violators who hold sway at the UN, in the General Assembly and on its various UN agencies and commissions … would mean NO Security Council seat for Canada.

That’s why Trudeau delivered such a pathetic look-the-other-way address to the General Assembly.

And that’s why Canada has also been so mild in comments about the outrageous UN Human Rights Council … ruled over by a disgraced collection of dictatorial states who have almost jokingly  been charged with judging and pontificating about the state of human rights in other countries worldwide … while back home arresting journalists, imprisoning artists, beating civil rights advocates, jailing opposition leaders, shooting their supporters , torturing their critics, and wantonly bombing civilians, both inside their own countries and neighbours.  (Current member states include Egypt, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, China, Iraq and Qatar … countries where human rights are given only lip service or totally ignored!)

And yet, there was Canada (ie Trudeau) ABSTAINING rather than voting against in May when the UN HRC passed another of its TOTALLY one-sided infamous motions condemning Israel actions on its Gaza border without mentioning ANY of the dozen Hamas/Jihadi rocket attacks that proceeded the latest conflict,  hitting a nearby town, the incendiary devices floated into Israel causing major damage to nearby farms and a wildlife land reserve or the bombs placed by later-admitted Hamas “martyrs” along the border fence.

Totally one-sided … and yet there Canada, NOT voting against even such one-sidedness at the UN HRC … more of Trudeau’s fawning for Arab states in a bid for that Security Council seat … and photo op.

Canada should have followed the US in withdrawing from the disgraced and disgraceful body … but clearly Trudeau believes turning Canada’s eyes away is a better strategy to gain that Security Council seat! Even if it turns our back on Canada’s moral duty to speak out against REAL human rights violators.

And now Mali … putting Canadian armed force members’ lives at SEVERE risk … as part of Trudeau’s attempt to impress enough tyrants, dictators and Muslim states to vote him that Security Council seat.

Harv Oberfeld