The former Red Sox pitcher joins Roseanne Barr as a promoter of perhaps the Internet’s most convoluted tangle of Trump-friendly hoo-hah.

Baseball great Curt Schilling has quite a story he’d like to share—and it’s not about his famous “bloody sock” World Series game. On Tuesday, the retired Boston Red Sox pitcher promoted a video on his Facebook page explaining the pro-Trump QAnon conspiracy, which posits that President Trump and his allies in the military are about to sweep away a cabal of globalist elites responsible for all the evil in the world.

The byzantine QAnon theory, which centers on anonymous clues about the real state of the world left on Internet message boards by an unknown figure dubbed “Q,” relies on the idea that Trump is about to sweep away his enemies in a mass arrest dubbed “The Storm.” While anyone with internet access could be the one posing as “Q,” the theory’s followers are convinced that the clues are coming from high-up within the Trump administration.

QAnon is already having dangerous real-world effects—on June 15, an armed man in an improvised armored truck blocked traffic on a highway near the Hoover Dam and held up signs that appeared to reference QAnon.


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