(Patty Hajdu, currently the federal minister for employment, workforce development, and labour)


by Spencer Fernando


July 21, 2018

As I recently reported, Justin Trudeau’s ‘strategy’ of standing in “solidarity” with Mexico on NAFTA appears to be going up in flames.

After repeatedly refusing to even consider a bilateral deal with the US when the Trump administration was happy with Canada, it turns out that Mexico and the US are now considering a bilateral deal on NAFTA without Canada, and the US is directing their anger in our direction – instead of towards Mexico.

That would give both the US and Mexico massive leverage over Canada, and would force the Trudeau government to crawl back to the negotiating table with almost zero power to get a good deal for the Canadian People.

In light of this growing failure, you’d think the Liberals would be trying to unite Canadians of all political stripes, show openness to a bilateral deal, and get back to the negotiating table ASAP.

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