(Alberta Premier Rachel Notley and Kinder Morgan Canada president Ian Anderson speak during a ground breaking ceremony at the Trans Mountain stockpile site on the Enoch Cree Nation west of Edmonton on July 27, 2018. JASON FRANSON / THE CANADIAN)
Alberta’s NDP Premier Rachel Notley has all but declared war with federal NDP leader Jagmeet Singh. In a remarkable interview Friday, Notley criticized her fellow New Democrat as thoughtless, elitist and pretty much an enemy of the working people. She was so critical of Singh that at times I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t interviewing United Conservative Party leader Jason Kenney.

Alberta’s NDP Premier Rachel Notley has all but declared war with federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.

In a remarkable interview Friday, Notley criticized her fellow New Democrat as thoughtless, elitist and pretty much an enemy of the working people.

She was so critical of Singh that at times I had to pinch myself to make sure I wasn’t interviewing United Conservative Party Leader Jason Kenney.

She ridiculed Singh’s opposition to the Trans Mountain pipeline project and literally laughed at his suggestion on how Canada can best wean itself off Saudi Arabian oil.

“What happened with Jagmeet is that he’s learning that things are not as simple as they sometimes seem,” said Notley of the federal leader who is based in Ontario but announced this week he is running for a byelection seat in Burnaby South in British Columbia.

Notley is irritated by Singh’s highly charged and simplistic attacks on the federal deal to buy the Trans Mountain pipeline project from Kinder Morgan.

Singh has said Canada “should not be spending public dollars on a 65-year-old leaky pipeline.”

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