
September 4, 2018

(Natural News) Gavin Newsom is running for Governor in California, and he’s already bragging about his plans to drive the state into financial oblivion. The gubernatorial candidate just announced his plans to launch a universal healthcare program for illegal immigrants state-wide. In any other state, such an idea might send would-be voters running for the hills, but on the Left Coast, it seems anything goes.

In an interview on Pod Save America, Newsom recalled his time as the Mayor of San Francisco, a once-beautiful city that now more closely resembles a poorly kept port-a-potty. The current state of SF is nothing to write home about, but Newsom would like to expand the city’s universal healthcare policy state-wide.

“The only way in a state whose population’s larger than 163 nations — California’s economy is larger than all but four nations, the fifth largest economy — to approximate a strategy for universal health care is with the support and concurrence of the governor, and that’s frankly — it’s not an indictment — it’s just what’s been missing in the past,” Newsom contended.

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