by John Nolte
September 28, 2018
Christine Blasey Ford, the woman accusing Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her in 1982 when they were both teenagers, sounded credible to a lot of people. Even those who want to see Kavanaugh confirmed are writing and talking about how credible she sounded, how real and raw.
At the risk of sounding callous — So what?
Now that we live in this Orwellian world where if you do not express the CorrectThink, your humanity is suspect, maybe people are saying this because that is what we are supposed to say. Well, all I know is that I did not find her at all credible — and I am not going to say anything different.
I certainly sympathized with Dr. Ford, and she did change my mind about one thing. I no longer believe she was part of a grand plan to destroy Kavanaugh. Rather, I do believe she wanted to remain anonymous, I do believe she is a victim of the Senate Democrats who re-victimized a woman who has already been damaged in some terrible way.
But was she a credible witness, believable…?
Not even close.
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Lets take a Look at the Body Language