(Prime minister of Canada Justin Trudeau (L) with premier of Quebec François Legault (R) shake hands during a meeting with Canadian prime ministers in Montreal, on December 7, 2018 at the Marriott Chateau Champlain. MARTIN OUELLET-DIOTTE / AFP/GETTY IMAGES)


by Danielle Smith

December 14, 2018

The last time I wrote for a newspaper, Alberta separatism was at an all-time high. I guess it’s fitting that more than 10 years later I’m returning to writing a column when separatist sentiments may be even higher.

A bit of history: Back in August 2005 the Western Standard commissioned a poll asking the question, do you agree or disagree that Western Canadians should begin to explore the idea of forming their own country? Remarkably, 43 per cent of Albertans agreed, with relatively high levels of support for the concept in B.C. (32.1 per cent), Saskatchewan (33.6 per cent), and Manitoba (28.8 per cent).

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  1. Danielle is the one responsible for the NDP getting elected in Alberta. Her botched “merger” with the PC party while not securing a cabinet post or even a guaranteed nomination in the local riding showed severe incompetence and lack of political judgement. I listen to her from time to time on CHQR and she seems to talk a good talk, but she has zero political smarts. We need to elect an arrogant SOB to Edmonton so that Ottawa can be put on notice that enough is enough. So far, all I see are bunch of backwoods rubes that assume that being nice to Ottawa will get them somewhere. Take a page from the Quebec playbook – they are a resource rich, energy exporting province with numerous oil refineries – yet they are classified as a “have not” province. And when someone threatens that status – they threaten to separate!