by Spencer Fernando

December 31, 2018

There’s no way to keep Canada going without using lots of energy, because we’re one of the coldest nations on earth.

Here are two undeniable facts:

First world countries emit more on average than poor countries, and as countries become richer, they emit more.

Cold-weather countries emit more, because building an economy that can heat and power a cold-weather nation will require more emissions.

And from those two facts, comes a third:

Considering that much of the world is poor, and almost all of the world is warmer than Canada, it is inevitable that Canada’s per-person emissions will be higher than the global average (even though our overall emissions less than 2% of the global total).

This will only change if Canada either suffers a total economic collapse and is totally impoverished, or if the rest of the world becomes much colder and richer.

But despite these undeniable facts, Catherine McKenna still retweeted this:

“Canada has one of the largest economies in the world, and we emit 3x more GHGs per-person than the global average. If we don’t embrace sensible climate policies, why should countries that emit less bother?”

Ecofiscal Commission@EcofiscalCanada

Canada has one of the largest economies in the world, and we emit 3x more GHGs per-person than the global average. If we don’t embrace sensible climate policies, why should countries that emit less bother?

Why 1.6% matters | Ecofiscal

Do Canada’s actions matter when it comes to the global challenge of climate change? Quite a bit, actually, and we can slice the data to show why.

Read More HERE