by Spencer Fernando

January 30, 2019

Blacklocks Reporter finds government memo that “cautions against federal meddling in media under the guise of combating fake news.”

On the day that the Trudeau government releases their so-called election ‘security’ plan, Blacklocks Reporter has revealed a once-secret department of industry memo showing concerns about the Trudeau government “meddling in media,” using the fight against ‘fake news’ as the excuse.

Here’s a key excerpt:

“The memo said any federal action against fake news could have consequences for free speech, and that remedies were already found in the private sector. “It is important that we enable private sector leadership, innovation governance approaches and new business models to flourish,” wrote staff.

“Policies that constrain the flow of data, free speech, consumer choice or the rights of businesses to innovate online would impede economic potential,” said Advice.”

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