
January 31, 2019

(Natural News) Earlier this month Democrats in New York State shocked the consciences of tens of millions of Americans when they passed, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed, legislation that, according to some experts who’ve read the measure, allows doctors to kill an unborn baby right up to term.

Worse, as NewsTarget reports, the legislation also permits non-physicians to perform abortions, thereby dramatically increasing the number of providers who could be available for the procedure. 

The news site noted:

The bill, named the Reproductive Health Act, uses an overly broad “health” exception for third-term abortions which many people find repugnant. Even health professionals within the field of obstetrics say that third-term abortions are never necessary; at that point, the child should just be delivered, not murdered.

Now, another Democratic governor, Ralph Northam of Virginia, gave his tacit support Wednesday for legislation introduced in the State Assembly of his state that repeals current restrictions on when abortions can legally be performed, National Review reported. (Related: Here are the names of the human child MURDERERS in the NY Senate who passed the bill legalizing infanticide.)

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