by Spencer Fernando

March 24, 2019

Many are calling this vindication for the Trump Administration, as the two year special counsel investigation comes to an end.

In a serious blow to the Democratic Party, and a large-scale vindication for the Trump Administration and Donald Trump in particular, the summary of the Mueller Report shows that his campaign did not collude with Russia.

Mueller’s investigation issued nearly 3,000 subpoeanas, in addition to executing about 500 search warrants. Yet, there was no collusion found.

For many Democrats who had been banking on Mueller to provide a justification for impeachment, this is a crushing blow to their plans. It’s also a big win for Trump, who has been saying “no collusion” over and over again, which matches up with what the report found.

The report adds “While this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him,” which shows that obstruction could not be proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Read Much More HERE

and now the Hammer is about to fall…

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