Matt Agorist,

The Free Thought Project

Waking Times

May 31, 2019

Last year, TFTP reported how a disturbing push was made to attempt to normalize pedophilia as a mainstream “sexual orientation.” The move involved pedophiles rebranding themselves as “Minor Attracted Persons,” with the hope that they will be accepted as part of the LGBT community. It was somewhat effective as multiple outlets reported it like it was okay. While this incident was extremely disturbing, even more worrisome is that this normalization appears to be spreading. Now, mainstream media is accused of promoting pedophilia by referring to it as “age-gap love” in a reality show.

In one of the most disturbing moments we’ve ever seen promoted on television, the UK’s Channel 5 — which is owned by the media leviathan, Viacom — is promoting the relationship between a 16-year-old girl and a 44-year-old man. Instead of calling this what it is, the television network called it age-gap love.

While the legal age of consent in the UK is 16, the program admits that the affection Andy had toward his child wife Beth began well before this age.

“Originally a friend of her Mum and over the years became close to her children too,” the program says as innocent music plays in the background as if this sort of thing is entirely acceptable.

“But once she reached the age of 16, he decided to give this controversial relationship a go,” it continues. What this actually means is that Andy had been attracted to Beth well before her legal age of consent and only after he could no longer go to jail for it, he became public with his sick desires.

“The woman is 19 in the video. If they’d met for the first time when she was 19, it would be weird but not criminal or evil. But he knew her since a child and they started “dating” when she was 16. That’s called grooming and abuse. Dude is a pedophile. This is horrific,” writer Matt Walsh pointed out.

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