
August 5, 2019

The mass shooting events that have rocked America over the past two days follow the pattern of “FBI terror plots” documented by the New York Times and the Kansas City Star (see sources, below) as being created and carried out by FBI agents. These two shootings were initiated in the hours following the bombshell revelation that the FBI conspired with Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration to destroy Clinton’s email hard drives as a means to eliminate any evidence of Hillary Clinton’s prosecutable crimes.

Former FBI director James Comey is now known to have run multiple criminal schemes to illegally frame Trump administration officials while clearing Obama-era officials as part of a treasonous deep state plot to overthrow the United States of America, defeat President Trump and frame Trump supporters as domestic terrorists.

It now appears abundantly obvious that the FBI is the most prolific terrorist organization in America, and this fact has been confirmed by the New York Times. Under the treasonous command of Barack Obama and James Comey, the FBI was radicalized and weaponized into a treasonous crime syndicate that routinely plotted and carried out acts of terrorism against the United States of America, all while covering up the damning evidence of criminality and treason that should have sent Hillary Clinton to prison.

The FBI is running a massive, coordinated psyop on America. The goal is to demonize all Trump supporters, paint illegals aliens as victims and enraged the mind-controlled Left to the point of a mass armed insurrection led by Antifa terrorists (i.e. civil war). The deep state knows it is about to be exposed by Trump, Durham and William Barr, so it is running every “Hail Mary” operation imaginable to try to control the minds of the masses and depict Trump supporters as enemies of civil society.

Watch my video HERE, which reveals the crucial facts you need to know. And see screen shots of the cited sources, below:

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