In This Report:

  • Comey will face criminal charges over FISA abuses, top House Republican predicts
  • DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz reveals he referred James Comey for criminal prosecution
  • Trump promises ‘substantial’ middle-class tax cut in Baltimore speech to GOP lawmakers
  • Swedish teen activist being exploited by left lectures congress on climate change, ‘You’re not trying hard enough’
  • 1987 Bernie admits Medicare-for-all “will bankrupt the nation”
  • Police arrest 24 people in Georgia child sex sting
  • Picture surfaces of Justin Trudeau wearing brownface at 2001 ‘Arabian Nights’ party
  • American Airlines mechanic Abdul-Majeed Marouf Ahmed Alani charged with sabotaging plane has possible terror ties, prosecutors say
  • New evidence emerges at Rep. Ilhan Omar married her brother and is using a fake name
  • DOJ accuses JPMorgan’s precious metals trading desk of being a criminal enterprise
  • Brazil experiment may have accidentally created genetically-modified super mosquitos
  • And much, much more!