by Lori Culbert

Vancouver Sun & The Province

September 26, 2019

The leader of the new People’s Party of Canada talks to Postmedia about his chances in B.C., where the PPC has nominated candidates in nearly every riding

People’s Party of Canada Leader Maxime Bernier brought his campaign messages of cutting taxes and slashing immigration to Metro Vancouver Wednesday, and was dogged by protesters at two of his events.

While Bernier spoke in a Surrey ballroom, protesters yelled “PPC, shut it down!” Security officers barred a door, preventing the dozen or so people carrying signs in support of immigrants and refugees from entering the room.

Bernier’s organizers were also preparing for protesters outside a nighttime rally in Vancouver, which the party said had 900 supporters register to attend.

In a sit-down interview with Postmedia, Bernier defended his platform policies, saying he is against “mass immigration” but insists he is not radical, arguing he wants Canada to let in more skilled immigrants, but far fewer immigrants overall.

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