by Brent Bozell & Tim Graham

October 2, 2019

The grotesque nature of abortion and the industry that profits from it is routinely hidden by the national press beneath a gauzy layer of rhetorical blather about a “woman’s right to choose.” It’s drummed into the public daily: Abortion is a precious civil right, a sacrament of feminism, never a death, let alone a murder.

Look no further than the discovery of more than 2,200 dead babies in the Illinois garage of a recently deceased abortionist named Ulrich Klopfer.

They told us Dr. Kermit Gosnell was one of a kind in his creepy storage of dead-baby parts in jars. It turns out he was a piker. Klopfer stored each “fetus” in a plastic bag full of medical-grade preservative, put them in boxes – more than 70 boxes, from the garage floor to the ceiling.

Indiana’s Attorney General reports that records indicate these babies lost their lives between 2000 and 2002, when Dr. Klopfer operated three abortion clinics – in Fort Wayne, Gary, and South Bend. One man told Fox News that his mother, who was Klopfer’s neighbor, always wondered what was in all those boxes.

Only Fox News cared about this revolting story. CNN gave it 30 seconds on a weekend, and The New York Times offered one story deep inside the paper on page A-22. ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, NPR, PBS? The same networks that wailed for hours about the inhumanity of illegal migrant “kids in cages” had no interest in something a thousandfold more horrific.

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