(Monika Lewinsky and Bill Clinton
Getty Photos)


by Miranda Devine

New York Post

November 11, 2019

Like a lot of wronged women, Monica Lewinsky now is reassessing her “affair” with Bill Clinton through the lens of the MeToo movement.

It was “an abuse of power … 100 percent,” she said Saturday night in a speech in Australia.

The former White House intern, who was just 22 when the president seduced her, said she had “clung so steadfastly to this notion that [it] was a real, consensual relationship, [but] as we started to have public conversations that were different about consent, as we started to recognize abuse of power in different ways, these structures started to crumble around powerful men who have been able to engage in [bad] behaviors and be lauded and celebrated.”

Lewinsky is right that some rich and powerful men now are being held accountable for past sexual wrongdoing that once was condoned by everyone in their privileged social stratum.

But, on the other hand, many of these men still don’t seem to comprehend that the music has stopped on the sexual free-for-all of previous decades, nor do many of their celebrity enablers and sycophants who turned a blind eye for decades.

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