By JC Collins

Published: November 13, 2019

Update 2:  Two months after I wrote this article it is being reported by Bloomberg that Hungary, the home nation of George Soros, will be banning NGO’s funded by Soros foundations.  This follows the actions of Russia to outlaw the Open Society Foundation and other Soros related charities.  The country which George Soros was born in is turning against him.  His funds are beginning to lose money.  The tide is only beginning to turn against him.  

Update:  I’ve made this article free based on the importance of the material.  We have a limited window to stop Soros and his organizations from spreading more violence in America.  This need supersedes the needs of any one of us.  Please spread this material as far as possible.  – JC

George Soros is running out of friends.

With the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States and the BREXIT vote in Great Britain, a pattern is beginning to emerge.  This pattern is indicating that a major take-down of George Soros and his Open Society Foundation, among other organizations, both sub and individual, is in process.  The evidence to support such a claim is difficult to collect and present because of the very nature of such an operation.

Outside of conspiracy sites which promote similar stories, like Putin issuing an arrest warrant for Soros, something which has not yet been proven, real information and evidence is all but impossible to find.  But much ancillary and suggestive evidence is abound.  This evidence is best considered and processed through understanding the mandates and strategies which Soros has been involved in, and has been attempting to influence.

This will be contrasted after against the rising opposition which is represented by the election of Trump and the BREXIT vote.

I won’t waste word space by going into too much detail on these connections, as the internet is full of reliable and validated sources which can be easily googled and found.  We will focus on the broad strokes and obvious connections which make up the larger pattern.

The most obvious is open borders.  George Soros and his hoard of foundations and organizations have been involved in the funding of ISIS and the subsequent migrant crisis which has spread around the world. It has even been suggested that Soros has been involved in the funding of ISIS recruits within America.

The Open Society Foundation, and a host of subsidiary organizations, are now being openly exposed for their anti-Israeli operations.  This could be an attempt to sever Israel’s connections with the United States and isolate the nation internationally.  Why Soros would do this is not immediately obvious, but will be as we explain more.

The western led coup which overthrew the democratically elected government of Ukraine was also influenced by George Soros.  The distain which Soros has for Russia and Putin are well known, but preventing Putin from having control the natural gas flow into Europe through Ukraine was the overriding factor.

Interestingly enough, after the coup the son of VP Joe Biden invested in and sat on the board of a natural gas company in Eastern Ukraine.  The Biden’s are representative of the American establishment and serve the interests of George Soros.  This is how it works.  The establishment use their own to infiltrate and take over business and industry of nations from the inside. Biden’s other son subsequently died of brain cancer.

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