Hello my friend.

It’s Dustin Nemos from the Nemos News Network.

Today we have a lot of exciting news and a lot more Q…

Desperate “Democrats” made up wire fraud charges to indict President Trump. They say it will put him away for 20 years!

On one hand, I can’t believe that they will come up with this malicious tactics — On the other… it doesn’t surprise me. These people are sick!

Nunes blast Schiff for being a “serial liar”…

I can get behind that… he’s been saying for 2 years that he’s “seen the evidence of Russian collusion.” He made up the phone transcript… AND… that is only two examples!

Plus — black voters support Trump, and could secure reelection in 2020!

There has never been a more important time than now Red Pill your Family and Friends… and invite them to The Great Awakening.

That’s why I am doing a special online event TONIGHT — Tuesday the 17th.

It’s an Exclusive Virtual Book Tour Interview for QAnon: An Invitation To The Great Awakening and I want you to come >>

It’s online, and there’s no-charge, I’d like you to reserve your spot to make sure you don’t miss it.

The reason I’m doing this is to bring even more awareness to the Great Awakening… and I’d like you to come.

Please encourage your friends and family to join us, too. They can join with you, or you can ask them to claim their own spot at:


Now is the time to red pill your family and friends.

Here is the news.

  1. Dems Want to Imprison TRUMP over COUP Lies >>
  2. Facing Prison! Criminal Case Against Investigative Journalists to Move Forward >>
  3. QAnon Decode: Obama Knew, Flynn, Barr, Coming SOON! >>