Hello my friend.

It’s Dustin Nemos from the Nemos News Network.

There are a lot of major headlines in the news today!

Horowitz vows to “deep dive” on potential FBI Surveillance Abuse. At the same time, Barr said Comey is “lying” over the attempt to distance himself from the FBI…

…Biden promises to throw away economic growth plus thousands of “blue-collar jobs” and transition to “green economy.”

Another campaign promise fulfilled! The House passes Trump’s USMCA Trade Agreement… Will Pelosi use it to make it look like she is actually doing something other than trying to oust Trump from office?

…Plus there are more drops from Q… Expand your thinking, this is bigger than you can imagine!

Here is the news.

  1. Barr on Comey Lies, Schiff Threatens Pence, Brennan Investigated! >> 
  2. QAnon Decode: Something BIG is Coming Rogers On Fisa, Pedo Pentagon Resignations >>


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