by Joe Hoft

Gateway Pundit

December 30, 2019

The FISA Court was warned multiple times over the past few years about abuse and criminal actions by the Obama Administration.  These warnings were ignored until the latest actions after the DOJ’s devastating FISA Abuse report regarding the Carter Page FISA warrants.  What took so long?

After the FISA report the FISA Court finally took some action to address the rampant abuse within the FBI and DOJ that contaminated the Court.   Jeff Dunetz reported at the Lidblog the following:

After the Horowitz report was issued, Judge Collyer, head of the FISA Court, ripped the FBI for the falsehoods used on applications to wiretap former Trump campaign aide Carter Page. The judge ordered the agency to go through their FISA warrants to find any other abnormalities and recommend solutions to prevent falsehoods from ever happening again, all by January 10th. But is Judge Collyer and the FISA court just as culpable as the FBI?  The court was provided multiple warnings since 2016 that the warrant application process, especially in the case of Carter Page.

Dunetz reminded readers that the first warning the FISA Court had was in October of 2016 shortly before the 2016 election:

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