by Praying Medic

January 3, 2020

I’ve written previous articles (here and here) about President Trump’s approach to military interventions in the Middle East. After several key Iranian military leaders were killed last night, some are wondering if we’re looking at a protracted war with Iran. I do not think that’s a likely scenario. Let me explain why.

Donald Trump was elected on a foreign policy of “peace through strength”—a motto he borrowed from Ronald Reagan. Reagan realized that the key to ending the Cold War was displaying sufficient military strength and the will to use it in a way that would cause the Soviet Union to fold. Reagan’s strategy worked. He avoided a nuclear exchange by a demonstration of strength.

Barack Obama counseled Trump prior to his inauguration, saying the most difficult challenge he would face was avoiding war with North Korea. Trump asked Obama if he had talked with Chairman Kim. Obama said he had not because Kim was a dictator. Trump was astounded that Obama never even tried to speak with Kim. He called Obama’s policy “stupid.”

Trump opened communications with Kim, likely through a backchannel and also on Twitter. Trump’s tweets were perceived by many as foolish.

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