
Published: January 11, 2020

To the surprise of no one, Peter MacKay is taking a run for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada. Personally, I used to think this would be a good thing for the country. I had been a fan of MacKay ever since the merger of the PCs and Alliance and I thought the guy had a lot of terrific qualities that would make for a good Prime Minister.

However, his experience comes with baggage and his accomplishments are viewed by some as liabilities. There are some legitimate red flags Conservative Party supporters should consider before casting their vote. Red flags that surprised me.

For instance…

A lot of people seriously loathe Peter MacKay.

I was talking to my Mom about the leadership candidates and, when Peter MacKay was mentioned, she recoiled in disgust the same way she did when Michael Ignatieff was the Liberal leader. She thinks he’s a dirtbag and she’s not alone. Many conservatives have a dismissive view of MacKay. They never quite articulate what it is about the guy they don’t like, but they know they don’t like him.

This is a huge problem. If a large segment of conservatives don’t like the guy without being able to say why, then their opinion is likely irrational and unreasonable. They just have a gut instinct . Perhaps this is manufactured through media exposure or general impressions from long ago events, but if the general vibe is not approved of, it makes that opinion very difficult to overcome with any sort of convincing. Since so much of our politics these days is superficial and personality-driven, it will make a MacKay victory very difficult.

What could be some of the specific problems people have?

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