One Man’s Opinion


February 8, 2020

Good Morning,

I do not care what your Religion, Ethnicity, Skin Colour, or any of the several Genders you might be but WE in the Free

World need to pay very close attention to this Mail On Line Article .

People who are naturalized citizens of any Country that betray their Country have absolutely NO Right to enter back into that country under any circumstances no matter what .

The now Free UK are doing the right thing with this and anyone that betrays their country like this deserves to have their Citizenship Revoked and they must pay the price for betraying their country ..

All EU Nations, Canada, the USA, Australia, New Zealand, and any other Nation must never allow those that have betrayed their Nation to eve set foot in that Nation again !

Unfortunately in Canada we have a Prime Minister and a federal Liberal Government who do not believe in stopping Traitors and Terrorists coming back to Canada, I can only hope that other Free World Nations do not follow the horrifically dangerousand mis guided policy by Canada .

During the most recent Conservative Federal Government led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper Legislation was enacted that allowed the Federal Government to revoke the Citizenship of any Naturalized Canadian Citizen that was proven to commit a Terrorist Act . Within a very short time after the Liberal PM Justin taking Power Trudeau and his Minions Revoked that Legislation !! Disgusting

Ask yourself this question, WHY ? How can this make sense to anyone with an IQ above Room Temperature ?

What the Hell is wrong with our Elite, PC, SJW Liberal Politicians ?

Don’t you find it rather odd that Wealthy Oil Nations in the Middle East have forbidden the entry of any Refugees from Virtually every country and instead those same countries have pushed those same Refugees into the EU ?

Perhaps Canadian PM Justin, former U.S. President, Obama, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie, Buttegieg, Angela Merkel, Lofven, Juncker, Tusk, Tony Blair, Sadiq Khan and other SJW Leaders could explain how they would/could allow and endorse this kind of action .

Have a nice day and

Enjoy your weekend !





  1. Looks like Snopes is a misinformation site.

    Is treason being committed by any Canadian politicians/bureaucrats ?
    If yes, who’s job is it to investigate these crimes ?
    Why are these crimes not being investigated ?
    The swamp may just be way bigger and widespread than we think.

    Enjoy your writings BMCQ.

  2. You are correct, today Snopes is largely discredited and a misinformation site like far too many media outlets but when the attached piece was released it provided factual information and the photo illustrates a lot .

    Most of the Rich Arab States that refuse to take any so called refugees hide behind a claim that they are unfortunately not signed onto a Refugee Acceptance Treaty when in fact it is a convenient excuse not to accept people that they see to be problematic .

    Of course those nations mentioned are all sure to donate to host nations that do take in refugees as they feel those donations will dissuade criticism . Why not, it seems to work .

    Instead every single nation like Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, UAE, and the rest do everything they can to push 4,5,6,10, or more million people into the EU and the U.K. . Then of course other nations like Canada’s, the U.S., Australia and so many more have Leadership that are for some various odd reasons eager to import far to many people into our countries that seem to believe that their Religion supersedes the Rule of Law of the very country that welcomes them . How much sense does that make ? Has anyone in Canadian Media ever asked Mensa Member PM Justin that question ?

    I only hope that with the Election of Boris Johnston the Free U.K. will now begin to make all of the changes necessary so the Good People of any Religion, Ethnicity, or Skin Colour can live in a country that is safe, has Borders, control of Migration/Immigration, and Rule of Law takes precedence over Religion .

    Then of course there is the question of why the UN, the Pope, and other SJW do not seem to pressure or shame countries like Japan, Russia, China, SOKO, and the Arab Nations already mentioned into accepting those very same Refugees . Makes you wonder does it not ?

    The only way to ensure any country can stand up against irresponsible Government and their actions is to defeat them at the Ballot Box we in Canada must now wait another four years to accomplish that, I only hope that by then it is not too late .

    I have often wondered why so many people in need looking to improve their opportunities made the extra effort to travel all the way to my Mothers Home Land of Sweden .

    Perhaps the made Sweden their choice of destination because they heard the Meat Balls were really good there .