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February 9, 2020

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said Sunday he is seeking a seat for Canada on the powerful United Nations Security Council because it is where the world’s most pressing issues are debated.

Trudeau spent his second full day in Africa at a working lunch with some Ethiopian female business owners and in one-on-one meetings with leaders from Nigeria, Somalia, Mauritius and Madagascar.

He attended a formal dinner for the African Union summit Saturday night, after meeting with five others and delivering two speeches on the margins of the summit.

While Trudeau said this trip is aimed at moving Canada’s relationship with Africa to new heights, including more economic partnerships and business ties, he acknowledged Canada’s campaign for one of the 10 non-permanent seats on the Security Council is one of the reasons for the visit.

Canada is up against Norway and Ireland for two spots on the council in a vote that will take place in June. There are 54 African members of the United Nations, more than one-fourth of the potential votes for the Security Council’s seats. Canada lost its bid for a seat in 2010, partly due to lacklustre African support.

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  1. Absolutely everything about PM Justin is “Fake” it is all “Fake”, including his character, credentials, sincerity, his states people kind ship, his feminist side, his make believe intellect, his support for women, minorities, LGBTQ, and the rest .

    PMJustin is though exactly what his credentials and past behavior tell us he is, he is shallow, he is inept, impotent, imbecilic, a lousy drama teacher and because of that a bad actor, he is a liar, he is juvenile, and he is shallow and a full fledged hypocrite .

    So he now wants to catapult Canada to become a Full Temporary Member of the UN Security Council, why? Just exactly does he think he can accomplish by securing Canada a Seat around the table with countries like China, Russia, past members like Tunisia, Chad, Rawanda, Venezuela, and so many others with simply horrible records for human rights and more .

    The UN is a Bloated, Corrupt, Inefficient Wasteful Body and it needs to be resolved and replaced, Tax Payers of all Nations are not being well served and much of the time the so called UN Peace Keepers are often no better than an invading force of criminals and rapists, just ask the literally thousands of women impregnated and abandoned by UN Peace keepers over the years .

    Before PM Justin attempts to secure Canada a UN Security Council Seat he should first secure the safe release of the “Two Michaels” being held captive in a Chinese Gulag .

    Why the Hell has Canadian Media not continued to ask the prime Minister just what exactly is he doing about the Two Michaels ?