Lance Wallnau

72.9K subscribers
The media jackals are howling about the President at the prayer breakfast – but what THEY DID NOT TELL YOU was that the president also apologized for not always loving his enemies. “(People of faith) like people, and I’ll be honest, they sometimes hate people. I’m sorry. I’m trying. When they impeach you, it’s not easy. I’m trying my best,” Trump said. That “I’m sorry” came after the normally politics-free morning of prayer had taken a partisan turn with the president still reeling from years of impeachment attacks and threats by his political opponents. “I don’t like people who use their faith as justification for doing what they know is wrong.” He also said, “I don’t like when people say, ‘I pray for you’ when that’s not so…” He bears wounds from three years of hounding from rivals, pounding in media and betrayal under his own roof, but he still confessed he is trying to overcome. At the State of the Union we all watched Nancy tear up the President’s speech. It was a manifestation of the spirit of rebellion and witchcraft that has infested the left like a virus. But as she did so I also sensed something else at work. That veil of witchcraft is beginning to tear off of the United States. A further unmasking is coming when Durhim and Barr expose what they have found. Rudy Giuliani has been treated like a laughing stock but his data is now being given review by the Senate. All this is the unfolding of a lot of prayer. Remember how we have been looking at Cyrus and seeing a pattern that applies to our own history? Recall, Daniel, wrestled in prayer with the prince of Persia 21 days! When did this happen? It was the third year of Cyrus. This was a decisive moment in the battle of angels and principalities fighting to stop the building of Gods house by a struggling remnant in Jerusalem. (Daniel 10:1-3) Likewise, Donald Trump came to a decisive confrontation with the militant leaders of Iran (modern-day Persia) at the end of his third year. On Jan, 3rd he took out the mastermind behind the destabilizing of American bases, our embassy and our presence in Iraq. Then on January 20th, Donald Trumps’ third-year ended. Amazing, the 21 day period following this ending takes us to Feb 10th- tomorrow. What happened in the last 21 days? During this 21 day period of time Trumps’ impeachment, trial and acquittal were accomplished. He delivered his State of the Union address and finished what Bill Maher and other dismayed critics called, “his best week yet.” Things happen so fast. Remember the Super Bowl word many were talking about? A prophet named Bob Jones predicted that something would happen when the Kansas City Chiefs won the Super Bowl. Apostolic leaders or chiefs would arise and start to work together. That was what Bob Jones meant in his prophecy about Revival coming to America when the Chiefs won. Apostles are more capable of working together than any other fivefold ministry. Back to Daniels 21 day prayer battle- this is what he was praying about. The restoration of his nation and the struggles of the movement to overcome political intrigues tied to money interests and counselors (lawyers). When the Jewish remnant answered the decree of Cyrus and returned to Jerusalem they met strong deeply rooted (deep state) resistance. The Lord brought forth the Prophets Haggai and Zechariah to speak divine prophetic word to the leaders – Zerubbabel the Governor and Joshua the High Priest. The governor and the priest needed to line up. Again, God raised up two prophetic voices (two is the number of agreement) to stir the remnant up and challenge the Government and Church to work together and not give up! God was with them! A sign of this new era is the number of believers right now hearing the call to government. Many are running for Congress in 2020. The church must find a new balance between revival and reformation. It is not either/or, it is both. If we fail to do the difficult work of reformation that is upon us, the church will watch the radical left shut down freedom of speech. God is letting us choose. Heaven’s plan is to give us an extension of mercy and a time of reformation. ——- Like what you see? Give us a like and subscribe to my channel here: Take me ‘on the go’ via podcast! Learn more about where I am, what I’m working on, and how you can be involved: