by Harvey Oberfeld

Keeping It Real…

February 17, 2020

Make no mistake about it: in BC, the anarchists and terrorists are taking control.

It’s NOT the majority who now decide; it’s not the elected who now rule; it’s not the law that now governs YOUR life.

It’s those who were not elected, not designated by any majority, and who couldn’t care less about any laws, police demands to move on or even Court decisions and orders to cease and desist who now decide what spaces they will seize or leave free, what services they will disrupt or allow to proceed and even whether and where YOU will be able to work, shop or even move around as a free citizen. Or not,

Isn’t that ironic! Agitators, anarchists and even terrorists, many of whom have rarely worked steadily … because they can’t or won’t … now living on welfare and every other kind of handout of public funds they can muster ….… dare to BAR those who do work and pay taxes to help fund their welfare payments.

And then there are the so-called First Nation elders or ” hereditary leaders” who some blame for doing little or nothing to get their peoples investments and jobs to wean them off welfare … and thus contributed to the appalling conditions and poverty that has plagued their communities: and yet, they still try to obstruct job/revenue creating projects.

It’s time to get real.

First of all … First Nations are NOT the only community to have respected “elders” or hereditary leaders: EVERY racial, ethnic, religious, residential or business community that makes up this great land has its respected elders … those who have gone before, broken new ground, sacrificed to advance the progress, education, growth and the financial success of succeeding generations … and all their relations.

These elders did not make sit on their laurels as unemployment, ignorance, poverty, dependence on hand-outs and family abuse ran rampant in their communities … or as opportunity and the rest of society passed them by.

Certainly, my respected elders thankfully NEVER opposed investments, jobs and projects that enabled me or our community to succeed, to work, to achieve a better life … for us, and our neighbours.

How did BC get to the point where ANYONE unelected, holding no office, can gain control … advocating a position that would keep their own people in poverty and on perpetual social assistance … and THEY get to control the conversation and the agenda ?

While their “supporters” … many from the rent-an-agitator casting department … can disrupt an entire society …. without any real consequence?


Because WE … and I include myself to some extent … have elected spineless “representatives” at every level of government: we wanted government that cares for/responds to the majority, the people, the middle class; but got instead weak-kneed enablers whose weak responses, even in the face of illegal acts, massive societal disruptions and violence, have FAILED our society … and let the anarchists win.

In fact, the inept, ineffective and incompetent responses of our own “leaders” has actually encouraged the protestors, activists, terrorists to escalate their demands, actions and disrespect for the majority … and any laws.

BC has been descending into this anarchy for some time.

Take a look at how long at Oppenheimer Park … an entire neighbourhood has been robbed of its only major local park, now floundering in filth … while out elected officials do almost NOTHING! And no one dares even ask those who are there where they are from and why the people of Vancouver should provide them free housing?

And remember the “420” fiasco where a large seaside park was almost destroyed … with damages costing thousands of dollars to remediate … and yet, the organizers got away with much of it? Our do-nothing politicians failed us.

Just look at our universities, where free speech can be inhibited and students intimidated or even attacked for expressing/supporting policies/politicians/countries the activist/agitator class oppose. Free speech and democracy died on campuses years ago.

And WHY do the police do almost nothing when un-elected mobs of fascists disrupt public roads, bridges, services, offices?


Look at Vancouver City Council; look at the Vancouver Parks Board; look at the BC government.

There is NO leadership standing up for … or enforcing the law anymore, or protecting the majority! Lip service to our laws … but no real ACTION to enforce them or punish those who violate them..

Our elected bodies have all, in my view, by their feeble reactions catered to, licenced, helped and even encouraged the illegal acts and the massive disruptions of public services and facilities.

Those who repeatedly ignore and break the laws to disrupt society should be IMPRISONED … not just arrested, served with paperwork, processed and then released with useless “suspended” sentences … to continue their insurrection.

And Court orders and injunctions sought by paper tiger politicians and waved in the air by powerless police mean NOTHING to them.

We have allowed the fascist bullies to take over…. or at least our “leaders” have.

The anarchists now decide what society can do … not our elected bodies; they will rule … or destroy if challenged; and, they will get away with it … because too many of our elected officials fear … or support …. them, more than they fear … or support … us.

Harv Oberfeld



  1. Get out and VOTE, our biggest FREEDOM!
    Ask the 10,000 Young CANADIAN Soldiers dead June 6, 1944, on the beaches of France !
    They will tell us- “WE DID IT FOR”YOU” and WWII ended May 4m 1945, in a street car in Paris FRANCE 75 years of PEACE since. Till now, we let Terrorists control nations, anarchists control our lives and lifestyles
    Where is GOD in your life? What are we prepared to sacrifice next?
    Moses was given the TEN COMMANDMENTS for us to live by.
    A few years ago, those letters were carved in stone, presented at the doors of the USA Supreme Court.
    They promptly pushed it out the door, to not be heard since.
    The abuse of POWER, by individuals and even lawfully elected bodies, show abuse of POWER.

  2. February 20, 2020

    By excluding any Federal Leader from the so called discussion on the Anarchist and Terrorist activities by the so called Protesters PM Justin tells the Canadian Public about himself, he once again exposes himself as being shallow, narcissistic, arrogant, dismissive, disrespectful, and much like a spoiled little boy he shows one and all he has as I have often said a Messiah Complex . He actually looks at Canadians like they are nothing more than his Flock and he will at one time or another attend to them but it will be under his conditions and rules .

    He actually has somehow convinced himself that he knows better and he has also convinced himself that he is better than other Federal Leaders but he also sees himself as AllKnowing and better than Canadians, the very people that pay the bills, he feels accountability to no one .

    I find it sort of interesting that all of a sudden Andrew Scheer seems to have found his voice and is showing Leadership on this issue, his opinions and Leadership on this make much sense and are supported by many Canadians regardless of Party affiliation, ethnicity, religion, or income level, it is quite unusual that Canadians agree on something like that . We must also take note that Ontario and Quebec are under stress due to the fact that goods and services are being kept away and delayed by the interference with Rail Lines, not to mention that hard working Canadians are losing pay Chequers .

    To me it shows the Anarchists, Protesters, PMJustin, Singh, the B.C. Premier Horgan, Eby, Vancouver Mayor Stewart, and the rest are on the wrong side of history .

    I can only wonder that if Scheer may have found his voice and took a firmer stance during the last election campaign the Conservatives May have formed Government and we might not be in this situation as PM Justin would be back teaching drama .

    Instead after only a few months of the re election of PM Justin Canada is coming apart at the seems, we can’t build pipelines, our oil and gas is land locked and sells at a 50% discount, Quebec refuses to allow a National Energy Hwy, we can’t control migration, secure borders, we cannot keep sex offenders and other violent criminals in jail, we can’t convict criminals much of the time, we have bigger deficits with an out of control Debt, and we are not far off from being in a “Death Spiral” .

    In the meantime PM Justin speaks in platitudes and mumbles about the “Rule of Law” .
    Yeah, sure, you tel us .

    Please ask yourself this most important question, where are the “States People Kind” when we need them ?

    As it now stands, “The Tail is Wagging the Dog” and Canadians deserve better, PM Justin and his Brand of Politics are just not up to the challenge .

    Canada and Canadians need Leadership and we need it now, we cannot suffer through four more years of this, time is running out and there is no more time to waste .

    (Response: Politicians always seem to develop greater clarity, stronger opinions and louder voices … when they are LEAVING office. Sad. h.o)