USA Network

March 2, 2020

Popular YouTube shows seeks to instruct toddlers on gender ‘transitioning’
‘Queer Kid Stuff’ targets children as young as 3 with advice on gender ‘transitioning’
Popular YouTube channel “Queer Kid Stuff” is targetting 3-year-old children with transgender advice as it seeks to instruct toddlers on gender “transitioning.

“The children’s LGBTQ series is seeking to targets preschoolers to educate them on gender ideology and social justice.Queer Kid Stuff creator Lindsay Amer describes her YouTube channel as “an LGBTQ+ and social justice webseries for kids and families.”

Toddlers are drawn into Amer’s world view with a “non-binary” talking teddy bear and LGBTQ-themed Sesame Street-style songs which she sings as she plays the ukulele.

In the videos, Amer teaches young children what lesbians, gays, bisexual, and transgender individuals are, the different sexual “identities” people assume, what it means to “transition” genders, and the difference between “top” and “bottom” surgery that “trans and nonbinary people” undergo.
According to Breitbart, videos in the series include “T is for Trans,” “Learn Your LGBTs!,” “What Is Gender?,” “Unicorns are Queer Horses,” “I is for Intersex,” “A is for Asexual,” “What Is Privilege???,” and “Transitioning.” According to Amer, these are all topics that are apparently on the minds of preschoolers.

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