by Emily Jones

CBN News

March 2, 2020

JERUSALEM, Israel – Exit polls are streaming in and it appears that Benjamin Netanyahu’s party has defeated rival Benny Gantz’s centrist Blue and White party.

Netanyahu’s Likud Party is set to receive 37 seats – four seats more than rival Benny Gantz’s Blue and White party, according to Israel’s Channel 12.

Netanyahu’s party together with other right-wing parties have earned 60 seats in Israel’s 120-seat parliament. That means they are one seat shy of having a large enough majority to form a government.

Despite being one seat short, a Likud spokesperson said the right-wing party leaders agree to form a “strong national government” as soon as possible.

Supporters at Likud headquarters cheered and hugged as exit polls revealed that Netanyahu’s Likud Party is the largest party in the Knesset.

Netanyahu tweeted “thank you” after hearing about his party’s impressive win.

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  1. Congratulations to Netanyahu and his Likud !

    Netanyahu is not perfect but he is a True Warrior and he loves his Country and his People .

    Israel happens to be located in a very tough neighborhood and the People of Israel need a very tough and resilient Leader like Netanyahu to fight for them each and every day of the week 365 days a year, he is their Churchill, there is no doubt about it .

    I have been fortunate to have visited Israel several times and Israel is a Great Country with Great People led by a Great Man .

    After being Abandoned by the Obama Administration for Two Terms Israel and it’s People are very fortunate to have the USA and it’s President stand with them .