‘The Wuhan virus appears to be an incredible and suspiciously timely gift for the globalists to push through their agenda faster than any of us could have expected.’

by Steve Jalsevac

April 18, 2020

April 17, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) – In February of 2017, I was inspired by a Remnant TV video on President Trump’s inauguration speech titled “Here’s why they hate him. I followed up by writing “The surprising real reason for the hate against Donald Trump” that was one of our most viewed articles of 2017. I suggest you read it to better understand the significance of the new video, Covid-19: Globalism’s perfect storm, presented above and my deep concerns about a larger, world-wide agenda that is definitely going on in conjunction with the Wuhan virus pandemic. (Note: I call it the “Wuhan virus” because the general norm has been to use the location from which a pandemic virus came in the naming of the virus whereas the corrupt WHO, in response to pressure from Communist China, has insisted we all use the innocuous “covid-19” nomenclature.)

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