(Ottawa based political operatives have long rumored that MacPherson once had a tryst with Trudeau and Ben Mulroney, prior to their marriages.)
May 3, 2020
In 2016, after Amy MacPherson was forced out of her job at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for making unsubstantiated claims and inferences in her reporting, she became a director of the Simcoe-Grey Federal Liberal Riding Association — where she claims to have encountered predatorial sexual exploitation of children by a Liberal Party of Canada official and political colleague. MacPherson insists her experience is indicative of much more systemic problems inside the Liberal Party, and she details a stunning cover-up by party officials.
MacPherson is the cousin of Sophie Trudeau, the Prime Minister’s wife. A self-described ‘political animal’, MacPherson has been active in covering politics as a reporter and as an activist at the local level. She is open about her own experiences of sexual violence and of growing up as a Crown ward, which she explains has instilled in her a moral compass on child advocacy issues.
Despite providing evidence about the child exploitation to several party officials, she claims that her warnings were entirely ignored. On her blog, Free the Press Canada, she lamented that the information she provided to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, to the Barrie Police Service, and to the Ontario Provincial Police had not been acted on.
After repeatedly informing public officials in writing — including then-Premier Kathleen Wynne — she penned a personal letter reiterating the urgency of the Liberal Party’s misconduct regarding child volunteers to Justin Trudeau himself. She even accused Trudeau of erecting a “communication barrier” to insulate himself from “some deeply troubling developments.”

At the time, a senior party executive by the name of Jared Nolan was being investigated after several allegations of abuse emerged from children about whom Nolan had access to large amounts of data, both in his role as a hospital administrator and his access to party databases of child volunteers.
MacPherson wrote to Trudeau and law enforcement officials:
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