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The MSM is continually wondering how Trump is going to help the economy, they are reporting unemployment numbers, how the economy is a disaster, they are trying to figure out his plan. The MSM/[CB] are pushing the idea that Trump is helping WS and not MS, this is what they did back in 2009, they are projecting this onto the Trump administration. All source links to the report can be found on the site

Part Two for Friday May 8, 2020…

Targets Painted And Locked, Instructions Given To Stealth Bomber, Drain It –

Report date: 05.08.2020


The people are waking up, all around the country they are questioning the experts, doctors, lawyers, everyday people are asking questions, welcome to the great awakening. The first shot rang out when Flynn was exonerated, the MSM/[DS] are trying to spin the story but it is failing, as more and more of the declas is released the spin cycle is going to be in trouble.

The people are learning the truth slowly, they need to be shown, Trump and Barr are ready, the stealth bomber is now locked on, the order is clear, drain it. All source links to the report can be found on the site.