National Citizens Alliance

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The video is of a shuffle site in downtown Calgary at Brookfield Place that includes Huawei facial recognition camera and 5G small cell antennas. During the coronavirus lockdown, 5G infrastructure is being deployed across Canada. NCA took EMF readings at the shuffle site, and they more than quadrupled the safe level of below 0.50 V/m. We recorded readings of 2.55 V/m. Brookfield is a multi-billion dollar global corporation. One of it subsidiary is called Brookfield Infrastructure Partners: owns and operates a global network of infrastructure companies in utilities, transportation, energy and communications infrastructure. It invests in transmission and telecommunication lines, toll roads, ports and pipelines. The federal government, including Industry Canada and Health Canada, ignore the non-thermal health effects of EMF radiation. These health effects are well documented by over 2,000 scientific studies. https://blog.nationalcitizensalliance… National Citizens Alliance supports an immediate moratorium on 5G deployment in Canada due to the potentially serious economic, health, security, and privacy issues. We believe that the Canadian people should have the final say on this deployment.