753K subscriber
Report date:05.20.2020
The MSM are right on schedule, they are now pushing that the economy is a disaster, they are calling it Trump economy, no longer are they calling it Obama’s economy. The pieces are in place, Trump has prepared the first wave for the economic recovery. We are now seeing mortgage apps increase again. Trump signs the EO instructing gov agencies to deregulate. All source links to the report can be found on the site.
Part Two (B) for Wednesday May 20, 2020
When Do Birds Sing, [DS] Corruption Is Exposed, [DS] Using PAN[DEM]IC For Cover – – Episode 2179b
Report date: 05.20.2020
The [DS]/MSM are struggling, more states are opening, businesses are opening, the numbers are declining, people are learning about HCQ. Is this about the virus or something else? The declassification is being dripped out, more and more are brought into the mix showing they are corrupt. When do birds sing? The people must be shown, people need to see and understand, united not divided is the only way. All source links to the report can be found on the site.